Weather Forecast
8:21 am, Feb 8, 2025
temperature icon 13°C
broken clouds
Humidity 22 %
Pressure 1017 mb
Wind 5 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 9 mph
Clouds Clouds: 51%
Visibility Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:12 pm

Message from Desk of PC

KVK’s as Harbingers of change among Farming community
KVK’s are playing a big role to improve the economic profile of farmers , farm women and rural youth by means of organizing training courses, conducting demonstrations and on farm Research trials and other transfer of technologies through publications , Radio/ TV Talks and organizing Kisan Melas and extrainees- Sammelaens.

Trainings impart the skills/ knowledge to the trainees whereas demonstrations create belief as per saying seeing in believing and onfarm testing creates interest and confidence among the farmers and scientists. Whereas like Radio and TV and Kisan Mobile Advisory services delivered by the scientists act as doorstep services to the farmers regarding solutions of their problems in different crop and allied fields. KVK’s are also creating awareness among the farmers about latest/ advances in the fields of agriculture developments eg. Genetically modified crops- biotechnological developments. A new program of Mobile advisory through KVK’s launched in November, 2010 by KVK Bathinda has brought a good response of farmers and youth. In this service composed message are given to the farmers at free of cost at their doorsteps, which not only save the time but farmers are properly utilizing the time which otherwise goes waste to come to kendras for queries.

KVK Bathinda is serving as a “ hub” for demonstrations of crops and alternative crops to traditional crops, intercropping options and resources , conservations technologies especially drip irrigation in orchards . Use of tensiometers to save irrigation water , leaf colour charts to avoid over doses and soil toxicity to save fertilizers, laser land leveler to save cost and labour and to increase the productivity by conserving soil , water and environment. KVK Bathinda has adopted 34 villages of block Bathinda under the project to enhance the productivity and productions of cotton in kharif,2011. Funds have been provided through Punjab Government to solve the problems of farmers in Cotton belts particularly regarding IPM, Mealy bug , IRM , INM and maintenance of plant populations and refugee through the doorsteps services through scouts and supervisor appointed for this purpose . I request all the farmers to visit and share about these technologies for successful adoption at your own farms save the resources and Punjab.

KVK Bti has live demonstrations of organic kitchen gardens to provide pulses, fruits and vegetables for own consumption without much use of fertilizers and chemicals during summer and winter season. Concerned scientists elucidates the same model for adoption of farmers at their fields

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